Painting Landscapes from Photographs – Oil or Watercolour with Instructor Peter Cheung (Sept 21)


6 in stock

This workshop takes place:
Saturday, September 21, 2024
9:30am to 4:30 pm (Please bring your lunch)

Instructor Peter Cheung

In this workshop Peter will cover the principles needed for successful landscape paintings from photo references. Individual elements of the landscape are explored and demonstrated as you learn to edit and simplify to make the painting your own. Gain a solid understanding of composition, design, colour value, texture and depth as they pertain to landscape painting. Bring a selection of your photos of landscapes. This
workshop is for both oil or watercolour students who have some experience in either

Materials List

Suggested colours: 

Titanium White

Permanent Rose

Cadmium Red

Cadmium Yellow

Yellow Ochre

Burnt Sienna

French Ultramarine Blue

Cobalt Blue

Prussian Blue

Payne’s Gray

SKU: WS-09-PC-3 Category:


About Peter Cheung

Peter is an Ontario based, multiple award-winning artist who works in oil paint. Born in Hong Kong, he was influenced by Chinese art at an early age, although was not able to pursue it until later in life. After he moved to Canada in the late 70s, education and family commitments largely kept my artistic vigour at bay, but he never abandoned his desire to commit himself to the craft. In 2015, when circumstances permitted, Peter decided to leave the corporate world and committed to becoming a full-time artist. “My philosophy for creating art is simple, I committed to create artwork that emanates energy, life force and movement. My portfolio strongly reflects my love affair of sailing and the wildlife of the west coast where I went to university and worked for fifteen years. My artwork heavily influenced by my fascination of the four season colours of Ontario and the East coast.”

Additional information

Course Fee

General, Members