March Break mornings (Mar.10-14) 10am-12pm *Sketchbook to Art Journal: Create Your Story* (8-12 years) Mary-Ann Alberga (materials included) WS1-1013AM-MAA


12 in stock

Join us for a 5-day journaling adventure where you’ll create your very own custom journal. From sketching and painting to cutting and pasting with cool materials, you’ll dive into art techniques like colour theory, design, and storytelling. By the end of the week, you’ll have your own unique journal to show off at a mini exhibition. Perfect for kids who love to get creative, explore new art skills, and have fun while doing it. This class is all about expressing yourself through art and making something totally your own. Perfect for beginners and experienced creators alike!

SKU: WS1-1003AM-MAA Categories: ,


March Break, Monday March 10-Friday, March 14
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. (5 mornings) Studio One
Instructor Mary-Ann Alberga
* All supplies for every class are included *

**OAS is committed to providing a safe, rich, and comfortable creative learning experience for all. Students must be capable of self-regulation for the duration of the experience, or have a parent / guardian attendant who can fully manage the student to ensure that everyone can focus, learn, and create without distraction or disruption.

Please note: Parents / guardians must accompany their children to the start of the first class in order to sign a form outlining any health (or other) concerns that may impact their children’s health and safety and / or ability to participate in a three hour studio program. 

Please add your Child’s Name, Age and any other info to the Additional Notes at Check Out.

Workshop Withdrawal Policy in effect for this event.

Additional information

Special Needs

Yes, No